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Zojirushi water boiler review

Today, we’ll take a look at the Zojirushi water boiler review. We’ll be seeing the ease it provides to users for every day boiling/dispensing.

Tea is an international pass time hot beverage; people drink tea on all sorts of occasions. But we can all agree that making tea is long and cumbersome for some people, especially the water boiling part. It’s so cumbersome that people decide not to have tea altogether because of the water boiling process. To curb this nuance, we’ve written this Zojirushi water boiler review to better aid you in your decisions when buying a water boiler.

The automatic Zojirushi water boiler gives hot water at the press of a button. It also keeps the water temperature constant where you left it so you can have that perfect cup of tea throughout the day.

Before diving into the fullreview of the Zojirushi boiler, lets look at some of its most promising features:

  • Four settings of temperature to suit your different temperature likings.
  • Robust body made of stainless steel
  • Easy to clean

Zojirushi water boiler review

Four temperature settings 

Perhaps the most promising feature in this Zojirushi water boiler review is the versatility in temperature settings. Each of the settings has a different purpose.

  1. The 208 degrees F allows you to create instant noodles, hot coffee, and herbal tea.
  2. The 195 degrees F will enable you to make nutritious hot green tea and oolong tea.
  3. The 175 degrees F is best suited for white tea and high-quality green tea.

As a result, cooking food that requires water boiling has become much more efficient.

Stainless steel built 

A big issue in today’s time is the non-biodegradability of plastic. Keeping this social concern in mind, the boiler has a stainless steel body. The complete insides, including the boiler’s inner lining and the lid, are entirely BPA free. Not to mention, the internal steel frame provides a nonstick surface, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning problems.

Energy efficient

To keep the water warm, the water boiler uses a hybrid of electricity and vacuum-based technology. This hybrid technology employs less energy usage, which helps people save their money and the environment.

Adding to its features, the boiler also comes with a non-electric mode, which helps you save more energy. If you want to keep the water temperature constant at all times, this feature is a must since it consumes less power.

Inbuilt shut-off function

We made sure to include and explain all of the concerns of people in this Zojirushi water boiler review. Having said that, a big concern for people is the longevity of these electronic items.

With a lot of electronic devices, some major concerns are of overheating and short circuits. These issues are dangerous and take a toll on your wallet since the repair cost can be a lot sometimes. Due to these reasons, many people are hesitant to buy electronic products.

The Zojirushi water boiler comes with an inbuilt shut-off function that allows users to turn off the power supply to the heater to avoid overheating. The display will show an “HH” symbol to alert the user that the automatic shut-off function has been activated.

There are some cases when the automatic shut-off function will be disabled. These cases are as follows:

  1. You may have plugged in the boiler without any water in it.
  2. It may activate when the boiling water is below the REFILL line.
  3. You may have delayed in pouring the hot water immediately after the boiler was plugged in.

Zojirushi water boiler has a 4-liter water capacity

We all know what a drag it is to make tea or hot beverages for a lot of people. Whether it is a family gathering or a friend’s reunion, the responsibility to make tea for a large group of people is always tiring and exhausting. 

We have already seen in Zjirushi review how life is easier due to the comfort of this water boiler technology. Instant tea is not a problem anymore, but what if you want to make a hot beverage not only for yourself but also for many people? You can be at ease since the Zojirushi water boiler can hold up to 4 liters (135 oz) of water at a time, so huge gatherings of people are no longer an issue.

Sound indicator

The last feature in our Zojirushi water boiler review is the sound indicator. To many people, this feature may seem pretty useless. But, if we think about our busy and bustling lives, we can see how often we forget. It is not anything new for humans to make mistakes and forget little things, plus if you’ve ever made tea, you’d know how often it overboils.

For this particular human error, the Zojirushi water boiler comes with a sound indicator that beeps as soon as the water has been boiled. This, and whenever the water levels are low, the unit makes a beeping sound to alert the user.

Conclusion for Zojirushi water boiler review

To conclude this review of the Zojirushi water boiler, the boiler makes life easier. It smoothens everyday cooking tasks and makes everything more efficient and time-saving. Coupled with these features, the power saving inbuilt functions allows for a more economical and environmentally friendly environment. 

  • Post category:Bestiko / Interesting Finds
  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 20, 2021